This purpose of this blog is share with our friends in Indonesia descriptions and pictures of our life in America.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday, August 30

We are still waiting for the heat to break here. Half the United States is flooded as a result of Hurricane Irene while we didn't get a single drop of rain. All we got was a day of lower temperatures with low humidity (wonderful!) and now we are cruising back into the oven! The forecast is for a temperature of 97 on Thursday, so thank goodness for air conditioning.

Stephen and Betsy await their ministerial call and at this point it is wearing on their patience. God grant them more patience.

Craig has been in Reston, Virginia for over a month now. I believe he is loving his job, his location, his short walk to work, and the fact that he is a few hours drive from Blacksburg and the love of his life, Brooke.

Jacob is getting plugged in well at West High School. He has played with the marching band at the two football games and will travel to Maryville on Friday night for the next one. Maryville is the top rated football team in the state so it might not be pretty for the West Rebels.

We've been back for over three weeks now and we believe we're over the whole jet lag thing and are pretty well adjusted back to American life. I believe when the college football season starts this weekend and I'm relaxing on the couch then the transition will be complete.

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