This purpose of this blog is share with our friends in Indonesia descriptions and pictures of our life in America.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thursday August 18

The heat returned today with temperatures reaching 35 C. There was no rain during the day, though a small rain storm has passed through the area in the evening.

Today was an exciting day for teachers in their high tech schools. We arrived to find that none of the computers worked! They are all networked together, and all include a basic connecting program that monitors and limits their functions. By the end of the day it was still a mystery as to the cause of the outage. It forced us all to be creative and to scramble a bit. But it all seemed to work out. It was frustrating for those of us who really rely on technology and had specific plans for the day based on access to technology.

Tomorrow will be a big day, the end of our first week. Jacob will make his debut in the West High School marching band at their football game. Hardin Valley Academy starts the football season playing against a tough team from nearby. There will be a huge crowd at the game and Jim is in charge of the group that sells the tickets and collects all the money.

Nancy took some pictures with her class today during their outdoor recess (play time). She is teaching the fourth grade, and most of her students are 9 years old.

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