This purpose of this blog is share with our friends in Indonesia descriptions and pictures of our life in America.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve Day

It's been a whirlwind of activity leading up to Christmas. Last night we held our Christmas "open house" where mostly church friends stop by for some fellowship and goodies. In the past days we have enjoyed Jacob's school band Christmas concert, the church children's Christmas pageant, the church choir Christmas concert (in conjunction with the St. Paul's Methodist Church), the church youth group party at our house, and many other activities. There is so much going on that we actually didn't make it to some of our usual events...but there is always next year. In this picture members of the youth group show off the presents they have ended up with. They did a gift exchange where each person brings a small gift, then they are opened one by one and participants can trade gifts with each other.

My entire family will be in town for Christmas, and our out-of-town sons will also be here. Craig arrived from Virginia on Thursday, and Reverend Stephen arrives late Christmas evening (after leading Christmas Day services in Amarillo, Texas).

We have been cooking and eating many special foods. There were so many cookies and sweets at school that I pretty much had to stop eating them for a few days just to "stabilize". Of course then I went back to enjoying them.

The Saturday before Christmas we drove for two hours up to Johnson City, Tennessee to visit with some old friends from college. They are so old that they have kids in college (unlike us, we have kids who have graduated from college!) Kim and Phil also have two daughters who are ballet dancers, and we went to see them perform in the "Nutcracker" ballet. It was very well done and quite beautiful, though not quite as exciting as seeing the two older boys play in a soccer match. This is a picture of Nancy and our college friend Kim.

Our neighborhood is decorated with lights on the houses, many Christmas wreaths with red bows, and also some pretty tacky looking inflatable figures in the front yards. Disclaimer: tacky is a judgement and what is tacky to some is beautiful for others. See the photo at the top of the post and make your own judgement.

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