This purpose of this blog is share with our friends in Indonesia descriptions and pictures of our life in America.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Baking Some Bread

After saying goodbye to Stephen and Betsy we all needed something to do to take our minds off of the departure. I went down to our church to bake some bread for people who live in the neighborhood by the church. One great thing about our church kitchen is we have a warming compartment, which keeps food warm once it has been cooked. It can also be used to "proof" dough, by providing a nice warm temperature and humid air, perfect to make the dough rise. This little girl was at the church helping her grandmother prepare the altar for Sunday. She was fascinated by my loaves of bread that were rising in the big box.Here's the result of my efforts, 12 loaves of French bread.
I wrapped up the loaves and carried them across the street to the home of some of our neighbors.
Our neighbors are folks who had been homeless but are now living in individual apartments in the red brick building in the background. It is called the Minvilla Apartments.
You may be confused...I baked 12 loaves but there are only 4 on the table. It only took a few minutes for all 12 loaves to be claimed by the residents. I bet most of them ate them before dinner that night. There is little better than fresh bread, and this was still warm out of the oven.

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