This purpose of this blog is share with our friends in Indonesia descriptions and pictures of our life in America.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Reformation weekend: Sunday confirmation, Jacob

Jacob's confirmation was an incredible Reformation worship service, which included the new pastor Stephen as the celebrant.Jacob enjoyed the company of his confirmation friends throughout the two years of study.
Jacob was thrilled to have all his grandparents at the confirmation, including Grandma Joan.
Before the worship service the confirmands received some last minute instructions.
Stephen was suddenly a real pastor standing up front with the rest of the gang.
During the service the confirmands kneel at the altar and receive a confirmation blessing. Here Stephen gives Jacob the blessing.
After the blessings are completed, the confirmands are presented to the congregation.
As the celebrant, Stephen wore the special red chasuble and was responsible for consecrating the communion elements.
Stephen served communion to all the confirmands and their families, including us!
Here's Stephen and his grandmother Mitzi and grandfather Roland following the service.
We were thrilled that Craig and his girlfriend Brooke were able to join us for the weekend.
The confirmands, teenagers as they are, love their sweets. This is a cookie cake, made from a huge chocolate chip cookie. The "banquet" consisted of several varieties of pizza, salad, and lots of desserts.

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